Sunday, June 11, 2006

This has been the craziest week, Britnee wound up at my house at 4am mon. mourn. My dad called wed. and said a family friend in Tx was shot and killed after responding to a domestic disturbance and to tell me to becarefull. That night I was almost stabbed with a garden claw by a bi-polar naked mexican woman, that was after she tried to set a car on fire with her jeans. If you have never had to fight a naked woman, I don't recommend it LOL. All week there were only 2 officer's working in Levy. It has been absolutly crazy. Oh yea and the one to beat all, a man wanted to report someone stealing his light bulbs. Glad its over

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I have been so busy lately I 4got I had this thing, LOL. Cody was over here for 4 days and was a huge help. The cabinet is finished. Work has been so busy its unbelievable, with Riverfest and everything, Levy only had 3 officers working the streets. Last night, the first call of the night a 15y/o tried to be "hard" and fight us, what a way to start the shift, needless to say he lost. That is all people wanted to do last night is fight. Other than that life is good. My baby son is no longer a baby, he will be 2 tomorrow, he is so big and smart. I can't believe I have a 15yo and a 2yo, but he is a joy to be around we have a blast together. Cauy likes to go "man shopping" @ Home Depot, to buy "man stuff"